There are very few guarantees in life in Hawaii and it can be very unpredictable. However, one guarantee is that everyone will pass away at some point in time. It is not a guarantee that people like thinking about, but it is a fact of life. How people pass away though is as unpredictable as life itself though. Some people may die at an old age after living a long, full life. Others though may pass away at a much younger age due to diseases or in a fatal accident.
Unfortunately that is what happened recently to a 32-year-old woman. Police say that a drunk driver who had three other passengers with him was speeding and ran through a red light. He broadsided another car which was legally travelling through the intersection. The driver of the other vehicle was thrown from the car and died. Her passenger suffered serious injuries as well as the three passengers in the drunk driver’s car. The driver was arrested and held on an unrelated warrant pending being charged in this accident.
This is a very sad reminder of how quickly life can change. In an instant due to another driver’s decision to drive under the influence and completely disregard the traffic laws, an innocent victim is now dead. The family of the victim is now left mourning their loss and trying to move on with life without the loved one. Families in these situations can be left in very difficult situations both emotionally and financially. The loved ones could have provided the majority of the income to the family in addition to their love and support.
While it is very difficult to lose any loved one in Hawaii, it can be especially difficult when the loved one dies in a fatal accident. These deaths occur suddenly, leaving the family no time to prepare and usually claim a life far too early. These families have a difficult road to recovery, but they may be entitled to compensation which can at least ease their financial burdens. These accidents can be very devastating and experienced attorneys may be able to help one receive what they deserve.